THE CRANKSHAFT: Behind the Design
Inspiration comes from many places. In the case of this particular design, it was from a car engine. Way back in 2010, our team collaborated with a vintage car enthusiast on a signature chandelier for his Florida oceanfront residence, and the Crankshaft was born. Since then, this design has become a mainstay in our Contemporary collection, and we’ve fabricated several custom versions in a wide range of sizes and materials.
An engine crankshaft may be an unlikely inspiration, but it’s easy to see the intrigue of this whimsically sophisticated fixture design. An asymmetrical assemblage of drums and discs surprises and delights the eye, while the center rod provides a unifying vertical axis.
The Hammerton CH2298 catalog version of this fixture, at left, is 60″ high by 48″ in diameter, and is shown here with diffusers in frosted seeded glass and a statuary bronze finish. Over the years, we’ve modified this design in both size and materials to suit a wide range of interior styles for city, mountain and desert residences. Mica and glass are popular diffuser materials for the Crankshaft, as shown here.

We’d love to hear your thought on the Crankshaft design in the comments section below. And if you’d like to incorporate a Crankshaft chandelier in your next design project, give your Hammerton representative a call!