If you’ve ever wondered why Hammerton doesn’t offer chrome or other plated finishes as standard options, just google ‘metal plating facility + Superfund’ and you’ll see 71,700 reasons why.

By their very nature, metal finishing industries are highly toxic, but metal plating is among the worst due to its heavy reliance upon dangerous chemicals and compounds like cyanide, chromium and cadmium. Yes indeed, the process that creates that shiny finish on your kitchen appliances and bathroom fixtures uses highly toxic chemicals to do so… and the waste from this process frequently ends up in our ground and surface water. That’s when the EPA steps in.
Is a shiny finish worth risking our environment and our health? We don’t think so. At Hammerton, we take pride in applying the highest standards of quality, aesthetics, functionality and environmental compliance to every one of our products, and that includes our finishes. All of our 30+ finishes are not only beautiful and durable — they’re also very environmentally friendly, and many of them offer beautiful substitutes for plated finishes. A few are highlighted in the gallery above.
Hammerton’s proprietary finish process is just one example of how we minimize our impact on the environment. We also source our raw materials domestically, we use recycled materials whenever possible, and we fabricate 100% of our products here in the U.S., among other conscious efforts.
Want to speak with a Hammerton representative to learn more? Give us a call at 801.973.8095 or email us at [email protected].